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Complete Dental Care

Dentalia is a modern dental clinic, specialized in advanced diagnostics and treatment of dental and oral disorders.

We offer comprehensive services from all fields of dentistry. In addition to high-end dental equipment, all services are provided in a comfortable, luxury environment. New patients are welcomed with a complimentary oral health consultation.


Complete Dental Care

Dentalia is a modern dental clinic, specialized in advanced diagnostics and treatment of dental and oral disorders.

We offer comprehensive services from all fields of dentistry. In addition to high-end dental equipment, all services are provided in a comfortable, luxury environment. New patients are welcomed with a complimentary oral health consultation.

Rua : Benjamin Constant 853

Centro de Suzano, SP

(11) 4744-7450

Ligue Agora

Horário de Funcionamento

Seg a Sex: 8:00 – 17:00 Sab. 08:00 – 14:00

Marque sua Consulta

WhatsApp: (11) 98178-3775